More Fofuras!
Toji ""Life is so good!"
Lua "What are you looking with this silly face"?
Goku "I want to be in the picture too!
by fofurasfelinas
What happened to Spring?
Last week the weather was sunny and the temperature was in the 80's. This week it dropped to the 30's and we had snow!
Poor Baby - he looks so miserable all covered with snowflakes - I really tried to get him to come into the house but he just wouldn't move!
by Boered on 7 Apr 07
My cute little kittens
The black one: Milko
The grey one: Mimoun (yes, a Turkish name!)
by Irish-coffee
Who is waking me?
I don't want to get up now~~(funny kitty of my friend,sleeping like a person in her bed)
by veraecho
Jinxie's World
For those that don't know - 5 months ago I found Jinx along the side of the road ,out in the middle of nowhere, while I was driving to work. He was a teeny tiny little kitten then, and just skin and bones... the poor baby was starving. I took him home, and he soon took over. He's such a little devil - he gets into everything, terrorizes my other 12 cats (but I think they enjoy it as much as he does), hangs out with the goats during the day, eats the ducks' food, and just basically rules the roost around here. And we love every second we spend with him! I don't think I could have found a cat with more personality if I searched the world over, and how lucky was I that Jinxie was in the right place at the right time?!
by Boered
Sakura is super fine!
I just can't believe she suffered a surgery yesterday!
She is playing a lot by the house, and eating a lot too!
Such a brave kitty!
by fofurasfelinas
Specter and "his" babies
Specter is a male cat that showed up here a couple of years ago. At first we only saw fleeting glimpses of him running to and from our barn (so I named him “Specter”- like a ghost). Eventually he became brave enough to come up onto our deck, where all of my cats get fed, but he was still terribly afraid of us. He’s finally grown to trust us and is one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever met. But poor Specter apparently had a very hard life before he came to live with us… he has a crooked mouth (which makes him drool a bit) and skinny/weak rear legs and tail. I think he was either hit by a car at some point, or horribly abused.
The funny thing about Specter is that he LOVES kittens! I discovered that last year when my cat Binky gave birth to 3 kittens under a pile of wood out in our woods. Everyday when Binky left the kittens to go eat or hunt, I’d see Specter sneak into her hiding spot. He’d sit in there with the kittens and he’d hiss at anyone who tried to look inside the woodpile to see them. Later when they got a little bit bigger, he’d even carry them around in his mouth! One of those kittens happened to be Fat Kitty – the cat who just had kittens on my deck a few weeks ago. I don't think Specter is the father.
Now Specter spends all of his time with Fat Kitty’s kittens. He sleeps in the hay with them and kisses them all over, just like a mother cat. I’ve even seen him lay there purring and purring while the little kittens try to nurse off of him! Specter is definitely at his happiest, when he’s surrounded by kittens.
by Boered